ABC Kitchen’s beet and yogurt salad
ABC Kitchen in NYC
One of my favorite hidden spots in NYC is the ABC Kitchen restaurant located in the ABC Carpet building in Union Square and close to the Flatiron Building. Okay, “hidden” is stretching it. A lot. This little restaurant is anything but hidden. Reservations go fast and yet somehow I am able to find an intimate little spot for two whenever I am able to pop in at an odd hour of the day. That, my friends, is the secret to maneuvering NYC. Pop in at the odd hours.
Their menu is simplicity at its best. Incredibly fresh dishes that look like they were effortlessly thrown together yet we all know there was a tremendous amount of thought put into them. Last time we were there the server accidentally placed a bowl of beet and yogurt salad on our table.
Sensing our confusion, she smiled and said, “Enjoy. On the house.”

What does this salad taste like?
Close your eyes and imagine the perfect blend of sweetness, touched with a peppery blend of tart, sweet, savory, and earthiness. Drag your spoon and swirl it around and you are greeted with a work of art.
While I did not get their recipe or even search for it on the web, after a minute or two of close examination and savoring, we determined this was quite possibly going to be our newest most favorite salad of all time and one of the easiest.
Is it simple to make?
Feel free to jump to the recipe and get started. But before you do, let me show you just how simple it is to make this beet and yogurt salad. First, add a healthy dollop of whole plain yogurt to a bowl. Don’t skimp with the wimpy low-fat or no-fat yogurt. Go all in, friends.

Add a heaping spoonful of chopped boiled, broiled, or roasted beets.

Drizzle balsamic over the entire beets and over the yogurt. If you aren’t splurging on aged balsamic yet, please do. I have a ten-year I keep on hand and just recently switched over to a

Slowly, and in a steady, slow and hypnotizing manner, drizzle olive oil. Extra virgin. First-cold-pressed is best.

Cracked pepper and sea salt is next. If you already have seasoned beets, skip the addition of salt. However, add pepper. Pepper is a must.

This is a joyful dish
I think the best part of this dish (besides being simple and healthy), is just how beautiful it is. Stir with your spoon and marvel in the beauty. If you ever wondered why I talk about the “joy of eating well,” – this is why.

How should you prepare the beets?
What do I serve with this salad?
I personally love to eat this all by itself! It’s delicious and beautiful and deserves to be a delight. That said, if you want to serve this with a meal, I think that something lighter such as chicken or fish would be excellent. A delicious soup or salad would be another excellent choice.
How long does this salad last?
Individually, the beets and yogurt last quite some time, as they are standard pantry items. Once you add all the ingredients together and swirl them to make beautiful food art (you know you’re going to), I recommend serving this salad right away. It will keep several days in the refrigerator and would make an excellent leftover for lunch the next day.
What is YOUR favorite way to prepare and/or eat beets?
Happy favorite new salad!
Eat well, my friends.

ABC Kitchen’s beet and yogurt salad
- 2 cups whole plain yogurt
- 1 cup chopped beets
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1/8 tsp cracked black pepper
- 1/4 tsp sea salt
- Add yogurt to a bowl and top with beets.
- Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.
- Top with pepper and sea salt.
- Swirl and serve.
