All this talk about my new smoking addiction is fueling a monster.
I am getting cocky and over-confident.
Smack-talk is happening.
I have been challenged to a July 4th #virtual #smokeoff tomorrow by Team Arnold (diningwithdebbie) and Team Davidson (LelaDavidson).
Now I am scared.
I may be over my head.
(Help me.)
Can I win a #virtual #smokeoff after only using my * awesome * MasterBuilt smoker for a week?
Uh, yeah.
Bring it.
(There it is. Cockiness is back.)
Voting and details are coming tomorrow once meals are smoked. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when dinner is ready and when it is time to vote.
But wait.
I have something to fuel your very own smoking addiction.
One of you is going to win a Masterbuilt 30-inch Electric Digital Stainless Steel Smokehouse with RF remote!
Because I love you.
And… the folks at Masterbuilt believe me when I tell them I have the bestest reader-friends in the world!
One (1) lucky someone’s will be receiving that Masterbuilt electric smoker and a “DADGUM That’s Good, Too!” cookbook. These add up to $400 value!
Contest ends next Monday, July 8th at midnight (CDT). I will pick a winner via randomizer.
Leave a comment: If you had a Masterbuilt electric smoker, what would be the first thing you would smoke?
Want extra chances to win?
Do one (or all) of these extras and come back and let me know!
+1 extra entry: Tweet this giveaway
+1 extra entry: Facebook this giveaway
+1 extra entry: Tweet a photo of your July 4th meal and how you would improve it if you had this smoker.
+1 extra entry: Facebook a photo of your July 4th meal and how you would improve it if you had this smoker.
+1 extra entry: Pin a photo of your July 4th meal and how you would improve it if you had this smoker.
Let the games begin.
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.
No purchase necessary to enter. Contest void where prohibited. Contest open to members who are 18 years or older. Contest open only to US residents living in the contiguous 48 states. Please, please, please make sure some type of contact information is included so I can get in touch with you when you win.
I would love to win this! My husband has wanted one of these forever! I would make ribs first!
You would totally make his day… and yours! When Dennis and I decided to initiate the smoker for the first time… we literally were trying to figure out which dish would be the inaugural dish. There's a lot of pressure for the first time!
It was a tie: chicken and brisket!
Best of luck to you!
I shared on Facebook!
NWAFoodie doesn't stand a chance against Team Arnold at dininwithdebbie.blogspot.com��. But you definitely want to enter her giveaway ten come check out what an awesome @Cookshackinc Smoker can do! Plus there's even more great news on the horizon! Come ✔out the best and vote TEAM ARNOLD!
Oh, you gals all have some stiff competition! I can't wait to see who wins 😉 Honestly my hubby is a championship-caliber smoking genius – I'd give it to him and demand some of his baby back ribs 😉
Now you see why I am shakin'! Debbie has both a a CookShackInc and a BigGreenEgg smoker at her lake home and her home in Benton. That's four, count 'em four, smoker household with two adults!
Seriously though, all those photos above are what Dennis and I smoked the first week with the Masterbuilt smoker and it was so easy and clean-up is a breeze!
Your hubby will trip out if you win this! 🙂
Yay! I am now able to post a comment. Hoping this is how we're supposed to enter.
The first thing I'd smoke is some baby back ribs – my husband's favorite!
Carrie Hirmer
[email protected]
Yay! You did it! Thanks so much for entering… and yep, you are officially entered!
There is a theme here today: ribs and husbands. Does this go back to the Garden of Eden? hee hee hee
Good luck!
Oh wow, where to start? I would love to smoke a lot of things, including fish (preferably freshly caught), a good piece of pork and perhaps some veggies. I've never had a smoker before, so I'd be very excited to experiment!
Sammi, you are talking my language! We smoked a walleye the other day with dill and the Masterbuilt Smoker's little tray where you put the wood chips in makes it so it doesn't overpower the fish. I used hickory but have since learned that a lighter wood would be better. My go-to foodie expert, Blake, told me that alder wood is great for fish. Remember that if you win! 🙂
Oh, and smoked sweet potatoes… I should've used that as my smokeoff recipe! wow!
I also tweeted about it 🙂
Thank you ssaammiijjaayy!
+ 1 extra entry for you!
Tweeted and Facebooked!
I hope I did this in a way you can track or use in the randomizer!
+ for tweet
+ 1 for facebook
Yeppers… and also your facebook comment about smoking something your wife would like! 🙂
I have tweeted & facebooked! The 4th meal will came later of course! I want to win!!!!
+ 1 extra for tweet (great photo of the Asian Ribs, wowsa!)
+ 1 extra for facebook! Thanks!
Also – the first thing I would smoke would be ribs! With hickory chips!
I started off with hickory chips and yesterday I bought a bag of apple chips and mesquite chips! I'm loving my Masterbuilt smoker!!
The first thing I would smoke is a full complement of cajun meats: thick pork chops stuffed with fresh pork sausage, tasso, andouille sausage, a turducken.
A turducken? Oh man, if you win this please, please, please share the photos!
I tweeted the giveaway – https://twitter.com/rusthawk/status/352806908614291457
+ 1 extra entry!
I posted the giveaway on my facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/rusthawk/posts/541670575881499
+1 extra entry!
My pin with meal pic: http://pinterest.com/pin/225461525068075741/
Ohhhh, I'm going to go see it now!
+ 1 extra entry!
my tweet with meal pic – https://twitter.com/rusthawk/status/352806557047721984
+ 1 extra entry!
My facebook post with meal pic – https://www.facebook.com/rusthawk/posts/541669792548244
+1 extra entry!
If I won this, I would definitely do a brisket first. Then ribs, then turkey breast, then…well, then everything! 🙂
Gurrrrrlll, that is exactly what I am doing! Today I asked Dennis, "hey, let's smoke a banana!"
I would begin my quest to smoke the perfect beef ribs….and while I had it going throw in some brisket, spare ribs, sausage, chicken and while were at some salmon as well!
Beef ribs, yes!!!!!!
First thing I would smoke would be probably a turkey and some ribs, yummy!
You need to win that cookbook because it has tons of turkey recipes!
tweeted as @anniemos : https://twitter.com/anniemos/status/352835836766715904
+ 1 extra entry!
We catch a lot of trout & you know what's really good? Smoked lake trout!
We usually have my retired FIL do it, because we have a PROPANE smoker, which is freaking terrible. I'm sure it's a 60-year-old fire hazard & needs to be constantly watched.
It'd be a gift to all of us, if we won this AND probably keep us from burning down the whole town. 😉
Can you smoke pineapple? Let's try!
Oh Eryn, you need one of these!
And yes, you can smoke pineapple, we can do it at the same time!!!
I'd make some brisket, and the infamous mac & cheese I see on all of the QVC segments that they do!
The Mac & Cheese recipe is in the DADGUM It's Good Too cookbook!
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/niftyfoodie/status/352851302939762688
+ 1 extra entry!
Mmmmmm…. if i had the smoker, i'd smoke salmon! turkey burgers! mahi mahi! yum!
I'm smoking turkey burgers today! For the #virtual #smokeoff!
hmm, my new name is apparently "Unknown." cool. 😀
AND i posted this contest on my facebook page! 🙂
A Brisket! Mmmmmm!
Mmmmm…. Team Davidson is smoking a brisket today for the #virtual #smokeoff!
I tweeted! Doughgirlbakes
+ 1 extra entry!
I shared on Facebook! (Tonya Bolner)
+ 1 extra entry!
Oh, if I win this I would definitely smoke a turkey first. No, I would smoke a ham. No, a turkey. Well, let's just say this thing would be working overtime on my two favorite smoked meats.
I say do them both at the same time! The Masterbuilt smoker can handle it, it's that good!
I'd smoke some pork for BBQ tacos!
smoke away!
Ours is brisket-ish. It's a different cut. All I know is… fahitas here we come!
Or, with your famous philly cheesesteak and cream cheese sandwich afterwards? I haven't gotten that off my mind yet.
I have this smokers little brother, no window, no fancy rf thermometer. It smokes some kick ass ribs, and you gotta finagle it in but I have fit 2 full briskets in mine. Now being an Arkie in Texas, I prefer pork (yes I said that out loud) I use all my rubs from Arkansas. Thank god for Eggshells in the heights. I dont need this, but I'd love to have more square footage to smoke and the window looks nice so you don't have to open to see your bark! Next thing I want to smoke are half chickens, and some good german sausages.
Eggshells in the Heights? I must google this!
You wouldn't have to open anything… the Masterbuilt smoker has a little side door where you load in the wood chips, push it in, and then twist to dump. It's that easy.
Oh, and this one has a light that you can turn on!
It's so perfect and I am glad your old one has brought you so much joy!
Hurry back to Arkansas!
I want to smoke a whole chicken. And I want to experiment with portobello mushrooms, zucchini & squash. I also like the idea of trying to make home-made jerky.
….and… I fully expect to be invited over for each one of these smokin' events! 🙂
Smoked brisket!
My next project to tackle!
Ribs! We would smoke ribs and a brisket
Ah ha! Team Arnold smoked ribs and Team Davidson smoked a brisket!
I mentioned this on Facebook!
+1 extra entry!
The first thing I would be smoke would be salmon, my favorite fish.
Now you're talking. Yes, please.
The first thing I would smoke would be salmon, my favorite fish.
Oops! Already noted this comment. 🙂
Tweeted — https://twitter.com/blakekaplan/status/352917248282861569
+ 1 extra entry
I shared on Facebook
+1 extra entry
Tweeted my meal. https://twitter.com/blakekaplan/status/352918650287702016
+ 1 extra entry (and thanks, what a beauty it was!)
My husband would smoke a brisket, I would request ribs.
Do both!
I wish I knew who entered this comment. 🙁
I'd smoke salmon first, no question
Makes perfect sense to me. In fact, all this recent talk about salmon is telling me that I need to smoke some salmon.
Good luck!
+ 1 extra entry
+1 extra entry
I would love to win this, I think the first thing we would smoke is ribs and then maybe turkey!
Do both at the same time!
On the 4th of July during the #virtual #smokeoff, I smoked 8 sweet potatoes, 7 turkey burgers, and 8 chicken breasts with bones in my Masterbuilt smoker. And I still had one more shelf left!
I had this somoker I would smake my own bacon!! And then some almonds, yummy!!!
How about bacon flavored almonds?
My awesome Mother-in-law gave me a smoker 25years ago. I use for larger events. It is not hard to use but takes planning and babysitting. Thanksgiving, I get 2 20-25 lb turkeys and have the whole family over. We have 35-40 in the local area.
Christmas I do ham and turkey. For gifts I smoke nuts, cheese, jerky, fish. I don't smoke those together:) My current smoker you can't control the temperature so I have to cook over a long time and check and recheck internal temps of the meat. I'm always worried it will not be done by the time 30 people want to eat. If it happens to be really cold outside I have to wrap towels around it for insulation.
Hope I can upgrade to the new smoker!
It's time to quit babysitting and get a smoker. If you don't happen to win this… I hope you put a smoker like the Masterbuilt smoker on you to-purchase list. We still have a lot of summer left and whole lot of 2013 to enjoy!
My hubby would love this smoker – we smoke the turkey for the whole family every Thanksgiving and have for the past 17 years. I think the first thing we would smoke though would be ribs! MmmmmMmmmm good!
I hope you win it for him!
A turkey! Smoked turkeys are hard to find and SO expensive! Mmmmmmmm.
I think that would make a great pre-Thanksgiving post: a comparison of buying a smoked turkey versus doing it yourself. Perhaps then it would make the Masterbuilt smoker more affordable? Unless you won it, of course.
I shared this giveaway on my Eggsandherbs Facebook page.
+ 1 extra entry
First I would smoke some ribs, then I would smoke Kevin Shalin 415 Red Lobster Biscuits.
416, to beat his record!
And, instead of the water pan, leave it open so all the cheddar goeyness can drip into it and than you would have cheddar-smoke infused ribs.
I would smoke a brisket.
And give me half of it?
If you had a Masterbuilt electric smoker, what would be the first thing you would smoke?
Have you considered… chicken?
tweeted 7/5
+ 1 extra entry
Posted on my FB page
+ 1 extra entry
The first thing I'd smoke is Chicken
Hi Mrs. Taylor… I only know this is you because you told me! 🙂
First thing i would smoke is bacon, then beef jerky, then chicken,then ribs…
Will you ship it all to me once you do?
Ok, just posted to my facebook page about the giveaway. Going to vote for you again now.
+ 1 extra entry
+ 10000000 extra entries for voting for me again (only kidding. but thank you!)
This would be awesome! I would probably start with chicken, because there's some in the freezer!
When you say it that way, it makes perfect sense. Said in my best AT&T commercial man voice.
a whole chicken or ribs. I love me some good ribs.
Do both! It is so completely possible and fool-proof with the Masterbuilt smoker!
I tweeted this yesterday when I tried to enter this giveaway
+1 extra entry
I tweeted and posted on facebook!
+1 extra entry for tweeting
+1 extra entry for posting on fb!
We would smoke ribs!
And, if you win this… the DADGUM It's Good Too! cookbook that goes with it has plenty of rubs and recipes for ribs!
I would want to smoke a turkey.
me, too.
I need a smoker. Seriously, who lives on a state park and does not have a smoker? We should be the smoker/grilling leaders around this joint. Epic fail. Help Masterbuilt! Oh, and really, I can not vote between three of my favorite bloggers, I love you all!
Seriously Stephanie!!! If you had one, you would change your name to Smoker Wife. Or, Smokin' Wife. Yep, that one fits best. 🙂
I love you, too!!
Beer can chicken would be tops on my list! I've seen the recipe for years, but I haven't had the chance to try it. This win would be great!!
([email protected])
Drinking it or using it as a prop? 🙂 tee hee hee
OMG–this is the smoker Taj Mahal! I think I'd have to do rock-paper-scissors over smoking a brisket or a turkey first. Wait, why do just one? Instead of a turduckin, why not a tursket?
You just blew my mind.
Rock-paper-scissors, definitely.
Tweeted (KellyZega) and Facebooked my desire for this lovely item!!
+ 1 extra for tweeting
+ 1 extra for facebooking
I wouldn't smoke anything (I'm a non-smoker myself). But it wouldn't take much to get my four-grill owning husband to smoke something for me. I would have him start with brisket because it's a treat. After that, I'm sure he would have a long list of his own to try out.
Every household should have five grill/smoker combos.
Ribs, butt, sausage, chicken, turkey, in that order! [email protected]
Duly noted… and I'm holding you to it!
So much fun! Good luck with the smoke off! If I had a smoke machine, I'd totally through old school 70s disco parties with the mirror ball and laser lights. Oh wait, different smoke machine. If i had a smoker, I'd SO make bacon. I mean I make bacon all the time, but I'd make it properly with the smoker…
ha, very funny!
Bacon is very serious and must be properly made.
Good luck Irvin!
Okay Stella, ribs it is!
This Louisiana native would smoke a marinated pork tenderloin stuffed with gr. onions, garlic, peppers, and celery. My late father-in-law was the king of smoking meats. I'd love to win a smoker! [email protected]
I wonder if you could smoke creole tomatoes?
It sounds like you are meant to be the new king (queen) of smoking meats now. I hope you win!
Ribs would be my first choice, then I'd move on to chicken next!
Smoking chicken in the Masterbuilt smoker has such a smooth subtle taste. It is completely not powering.
However, if you liked a realllly smoky taste, you could always add more chips!
I would love to win this smoker! I'm dreaming of smoking salmon, in some kind of teriyaki, or something.
yes, please.
I posted your giveaway to my FB page here https://www.facebook.com/AuntNubbysKitchen?ref=hl
+ 1 extra entry
The first thing I would smoke is Baby Back Ribs!
The DADGUM It's Good Cookbook has tons of recipes for baby back ribs!
Definitely ribs would be first. But that's the husband's job. I cook inside, he cooks outside. That's our deal. Good luck! I'll share on Facebook and Twitter too.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
+ 1 extra entry fb
+ 1 extra entry twitter
My husband would LOVE this smoker! He would smoke whatever he could fit into it!!
He can fit A LOT into this Masterbuilt smoker!
YES! I am also a (sometimes cocky) foodie and cook. There is a guy in our singles group who likes to, and frequently does, shoot me down. If I had this awesome Masterbuilt electric smoker, it would be my turn to strut. I would really like to try my hand at a nice pork tenderloin. It makes my mouth water just to think about it and makes the little devil in me snicker to know that I would probably beat my guy friend.
You must win. Obviously.
I'd smoke some ribs! What fun your cook off was!!!!
Thanks Kelly Jo — it was a blast! I've never talked so much (hilarious) smack before!! Thanks for enjoying it!
Ok, I have tweeted, facebooked and voted. No pictures though :(. We had a stomach bug going through our house so no cookout for us. All the more reason to smoke something wonderful!!
Boo on the stomach bug. 🙁
+ 1 entry for twitter
+ 1 extra entry for fb
If we won this smoker, we'd probably smoke either a whole chicken or a pork roast. Mmmm…. Then have meals for a couple of days.:)
That truly is the best part! We smoked 8 chicken breasts on the 4th and ate on that chicken for days!
Good luck Mel, it was fun seeing you the other day.
The first thing I would smoke would be ribs!! I've wanted a smoker for a very long time. Thanks for the opportunity.
You betcha! The folks over at Masterbuilt are so generous! I got to meet the owner and the marketing person… really down to earth and real. In fact, the owner, John McLemore, is always on QVC!!
I would smoke a brisket! julie (at) thelittlekitchen (dot) net
Team Davidson looks like they have a good rub recipe!
I would smoke some ribs and brisket! (Big family)
First thing I would smoke is a brisket! My hubby has wanted a smoker forever!!! Thanks for an amazing giveaway!!
I would put two pork butts on plus a couple of racks of ribs. I love bbq!
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/mjohnson330
Facebooked!! http://www.facebook.com/mjohnson330
The 1st thing I would smoke is a Brisket for sure then a turkey, some ribs , chicken oooo the list goes on and on! 🙂 Thx for the Great giveaway opportunity!
https://twitter.com/cubbiecutie1/status/354329260854480896 I tweeted!
https://www.facebook.com/cubbiecutie/posts/495257083887407 I shared on FB Boy Id be the coolest mom eva if I won to my teenage boys lol u know how they LOve to eat! 🙂
I would like to smoke a turkey…yum! 🙂
I would definitely smoke ribs first off…yum!
I would smoke chicken first and then beef.
Or, you could smoke them both at the same time… the inside of the Masterbuilt smoker is HUGE!
Note: VickiW comment did not post so I am recording it here:
"I would smoke chicken, and that my husband has a conventional type smoker but I would love to have that smoker."
I recently found you on Arkansas Women Bloggers community. My name is Diane Roark and I am also a food and travel blogger in Arkansas. I look forward to following you.
I just wanted to say that I bought this smoker for my husband's Father's Day. We love it!! It is so easy to use. We have cooked smoked whole chickens, ribs, smoked salmon ( I made smoked salmon dip), and a boston butt for some great pulled pork. Everything was YUMMY!
Blessings Always and visit me anytime!! Diane Roark http://www.recipesforourdailybread.com
That is fantastic!
I am going to check you out right now… nice to meet you!
Well, i am not going to participate in the contest as i already own a Masterbuilt electric smoker but good luck to the eventual winner. I have only good things to say about the Masterbuilt smokers, but i guess you'll get to know that first hand!
Hi Daniel,
Oh my, I am getting to know that first hand! Made smoked teriyaki jerky for the first time and wowza is it so perfect!
Thanks for the endorsement!
Congratulations to the eventual winner of the contest. Masterbuilt makes some of the greatest electric smokers on the market
I'm loving mine!