**** August 12, 2011 Winner announcement: #7 and #9 are the lucky winners!!! Beth and Jessi, congratulations!!! I will follow up with you both for shipping arrangements. THANK YOU to everyone who entered, I wish I had a copy for each one of you. Your answers were inspiring to me. ~Lyndi ***
Food has such a unique connection for every one of us.
You might be someone who eats with reckless abandonment, drive-thru after drive-thru, knowing that one day it will catch up but for the meanwhile you ignore the guilt. Mostly.
You might be someone who follows the latest diet book craze, always seeking a way to lose weight, feel great or stay young. In fact, you may have done this so long that perhaps you feel like you’ve forgotten exactly how to eat.
You know that eating the right foods will improve your life. You are always on the lookout for learning more about eating well, living well, and staying in shape.
About a month ago I put an image on the sidebar of my blog that looks like this.
Have you seen it?
If you click on it, it will take you to Jay Bauer’s site: Food Cures.
What is the Food Cures site?
Basically, it is a information website that will give you answers on how to treat common health concerns and teach you how to “use food as nature’s medicine – without giving up your favorite meals and snacks.”
Who is Joy Bauer?
She is the nutrition expert for the Today show and yahoo.com, and monthly weight-loss columnist for SELF magazine. You may have seen her on TV or read her books.
Why do I have an image in my sidebar?
Joy’s team contacted me about a month ago and asked if I would be interested in reviewing her Food Cures book and corresponding cookbook, Simple and Scrumptious. After I checked out her site, I said yes… AND… I asked if they would be willing to provide the same to you in the form of a giveaway.
They said yes!
Interested in hearing about the giveaway?
Patience. Patience. Keep reading…
What is the Food Cures book about?
It includes easy-to-follow food prescriptions for treating common ailments like arthritis and IBS; reducing cholesterol and blood pressure; improving your skin and hair; managing chronic conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, celiac, migraines, PMS – and more!
For example, when I read it, it kick-started me back to what I already knew but had gotten away from: “keep your pantry and refrigerator stocked with healthy foods.” Joy provides a list of the ultimate in healthy foods, lean protein, foods that count towards healthy fats, and high-quality starchy carbs.
See? I wrote out my Food Cures list on my pantry door to guide me along the way!
Interested in hearing about the giveaway?
Okay now we are ready to talk!
2 crazy-lucky winners will receive their very own copy of the book, Food Cures, delivered to their homes!
Contest ends next Thursday, August 11th at midnight (CDT). I will pick a winner via randomizer.
Leave me a comment, preferably with your twitter or blog name to make it easy to contact you. If you don’t have either, that’s okay, leave your name (need help on how to leave a comment? Click, here).
Comment question: Tell me why you want to win a copy of Joy Bauer’s Food Cures book? Have you checked out the Food Cures website to find a food cure, research a condition or browse recipes or the health library? Check it out, here.
Want extra changes to win?
+1 extra entry: Tweet this giveaway (leave an extra comment to let me know!)
+1 extra entry: Facebook this giveaway (tag nwafoodie in the giveaway and leave an extra comment to let me know!)
No purchase necessary to enter. Contest void where prohibited. Contest open to members who are 18 years or older. Contest open only to US residents only.
Good luck!
Oh… one more thing… be sure to keep coming back because I am also giving away 2 copies of Joy Bauer’s Slim & Scrumptious cookbook! Man alive, when will the madness end?
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.
Full disclosure: I received free books to review for this post: Food Cures and Slim & Scrumptious. (Thanks, Joy!)
I always enjoy Joy when she appears on the Today Show and would like to learn even more by reading her book!
I tweeted the giveaway!
I posted the giveaway to my facebook page!
I'd love to win so I could pass the book along to my parents, who are having some health issues the book may help with!
tbmroberts at yahoo dot com
I would love to win a copy of the book so I can work on my weight loss goal, and as a Celiac I'm always looking for information on helping my diet… and the thought of finding new foods I can eat makes me super happy.
Mandy Snow Matejka – on Facebook.
I would love this book to get more ideas to improve our current diet.
Diane McCollum on Facebook.
I would love to win this book because my husband and I are trying to lose our 'newlywed weight' and are always looking for new ideas we can incorporate into a healthier lifestyle.
Would love to win for my mom to help her understand how to combat dIverticulosis and adopt healthier eating practices.
Oh NWAFOODIE, thanks for introducing me to Joy's website! I watch her on Today, but never tuned into website. The book looks really interesting. I would read it to see what I could improve on my diet…there is a lot. Also, how cute is your pantry door?!
*** Beth receives an extra entry because she tweeted this giveaway ~Lyndi ***
I would like it to learn more about IBS food cures.
**** NWAMommy tweeted this and is now entered. ~Lyndi ***