As you and I have gotten to know each other better, I have learned that you really want to stand out from the crowd when it comes to entertaining. And you know that I like to keep things simple.
We’re a good team.
Today we marry the two together. It involves a bit of simplicity and a little something for you to stand out from the crowd.
Have you ever made your own flavored compound butter?
Flavored compound butter just means that you added something to the butter, like herbs or a combination of flavors. And it is so easy to do that I am not going to give you any recipes,
I am just going to give you some inspiration to get you started. From there, the sky is the limit.
First things first
Set out butter and get it to room temperature so it is nice and buttery soft for when you mix in the flavors. Salted butter is good whether you like sweet or savory but if all you have on hand is unsalted, no problem.
Just add enough salt to your liking.
All you have to do is place the softened butter in a mixing bowl and add whatever flavor you want.
For example, if you were making a sweet cinnamon compound butter, all you have to do is to just keep adding cinnamon and powdered sugar until it gets to your liking.
Simple as that.
Wouldn’t these be great to have out on the Thanksgiving table for your guests?
They also make a wonderful hostess gift that would be greatly appreciated.
This will definitely make you stand out from the crowd.
Go gettum.
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.