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Get inspired: P. Allen Smith’s kitchen tour.

P Allen Smith Moss Mountain Garden Home kitchen shot (c)nwafoodie

I just started giving more attention to my Pinterest landscaping-dreams and exterior-decorating boards. You see, this coming Memorial Weekend we are beginning the back deck remodel and it needs a lot of help.  A lot. When we bought the house we could see the bones were there yet the charm (and some safety issues!) was quite lacking.  Who wants to live in a house or yard without charm?  Shudder.

After revisiting my pins and ogling yours (I promise I am not stalking you), I remembered that I have not only seen the ultimate back porch entertaining area, but I have visited it.  Twice.  Silly and forgetful little ol’ me. I have a gazillion inspirational interior and exterior decorating photos from my visits to Moss Mountain Farmoutside Little Rock, the garden home of Arkansas treasure, P. Allen Smith.


See his adorable back porches?  My goal is to have an outdoor screened in living room and to have an open and inviting back deck area complimenting it.

P Allen Smith Moss Mountain Garden Home kitchen shot back porch 1(c)nwafoodie
P Allen Smith Moss Mountain Garden Home kitchen shot back porch 2 (c)nwafoodie

Lovely, isn’t it?

Then I started getting lost in looking at all the photos of his gardens and his kitchen.  Believe me, it is easy to get lost lusting, err looking at, that beautiful and functionally-perfect kitchen.

Ready for a little virtual tour with me?

First thing to remember is that this is Allen’s personal kitchen.  He cooks a lot for himself, his family, and his friends. There are touches everywhere of real life living to prove it.

When I asked him what his favorite part of his kitchen was, he told me, “the marble countertop” without a moment’s hesitation.  What he did next said it all for me as he went silent, reached out, and lovingly touched his countertop.

Caressed it, actually.

Not kidding.

It was actually sweet.

Allen designed the kitchen himself to be both beautiful and functional.  Did you know he has a name for his kitchen?  Who does that? (I am so going to do that.)  He calls his kitchen the “7 fanny kitchen.” Want to know why?  (I can hear you guessing.)  Okay, I will tell you.  He calls it his “7 fanny kitchen” because he designed it “so seven fannies can fit in there to cook with him.”


While sticking to his historically correct perspective, he does allow himself the comforts of marvelous kitchen technology. See how easily it blends in with the design?

This kitchen is a hard working farmhand. Every single day some type of filming and photography is taking place inside and outside the Moss Mountain farm.  All of his TV shows, publications, e-magazine, and online media use his home as the set.  Can you imagine having everything picture-perfect ready each day you started your day?  Besides all that filming, tours are taking place during Spring, Fall, and the Holidays on Thursdays and Friday.  Folks like me are traipsing in and out, peeking into shelves, analyzing his cookbooks, and breathing in the inspiration.
I like that decorative touches in the kitchen will change with the seasons, inspired by the harvest just beyond the front porch.

In June I am heading back to Moss Mountain Farm for an event and I wonder what new touches he has added. Is there anything you want to see and take photos of? This time I am determined to get photos of his pantry and fridge. (Oops, I guess that does make me a stalker.)

Of all the photos captured of the kitchen, this one inspires me most. It has a little bit of everything great… spiciness, sweet, and necessary.

Which one inspires you?
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.
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