You know that saying, “you are what you eat?” I think who you are is reflected in your kitchen, “you are what your kitchen is.”
Think about it for a second.
Let your mind drift to your closest friend. Does their kitchen reflect who they are at this particular time in their life? Okay, now think about your own kitchen. Is it remodeled exactly the way you like it (lucky) or are you the who is always wishing for that magical time when you will finally get what you want? Think about the kitchens of your friends, family, and neighbors where you have visited, lounged, relaxed, and broke bread.
Are there some who seemed to wear their kitchen as comfortably as their own skin?
I am in love with kitchens because they are, well, kitchens. My kitchen “love” borders on an obsession and I have figured out a way to dig a little deeper into someone else’s cupboard. How, you ask? By bringing you more kitchen tours of the famous and not so famous here in our gorgeous neck of the woods. There are six more kitchen tours lined up to treat us with a glimpse into some fabulous personalities and their kitchens.
Recently, my blogging friend Kelly Stamps opened up her kitchen to my prying camera. Brave girl.
There are three words to describe Kelly’s kitchen. Not surprisingly, I can use these same three exact words to describe Kelly.
Kelly is in love with her kitchen. And for those of you who read her sweet daily Northwest Arkansas life blog called kellyskornerblog, those sentiments come through loud and clear, highlighted in photos and sweet endearments of Harper and Hollis jumping around with their bouncy curly enthusiasm. Yes, her kitchen is a room swelling with love.
The first thing I was personally drawn to was the massive cabinets, highlighted by a gorgeous washed-stain. “What do you like best about your kitchen,” I probed as my eyes wandering throughout the room, gathering it all in. “What is your favorite part in your kitchen that makes your heart sing?”
Without hesitation she said, “I love the cabinet color.”
Indeed, they are gorgeous. They are rich yet soft with the look of soft suede on a well-worn loveseat begging you to come curl up on a chilly winter’s eve.
You can tell that her kitchen is not in the slightest bit a cluttered kitchen. Yet when I describe it is an uncomplicated kitchen, I simply mean that it is edited. It is not a clutter versus non-clutter thing. Everything seems to have a purpose, whether tastefully decorated or unapologetically functional.
We talked about cooking and baking and feelings related to entertaining family and friends. Kelly keeps it uncomplicated. “I’m a normal cook. Not a fancy cook. I’m a Pioneer Woman/Paula Deen kind of cook. My meals are not fancy.”
She said it almost sheepishly, like she expected me to tsk-tsk her. Oh Miss Kelly, I say hold your head up high. I am all for “normal cooking.” Simple. Uncomplicated. Tasty. Besides, you’re in good company with Miss Ree and Miss Paula.
This is a girl who loves her daily Sonic Diet Coke. Excuse me, I got that wrong. This is a girl who loves her daily Sonic VANILLA Diet Coke. She’ll be the first to tell you that, “the vanilla is very important”.
Perhaps out of everything, this is the part I loved most about visiting her kitchen. Even though it is picture-perfect, she lives in it. Her kids and husband lives in it. Having a huge Styrofoam cup on her countertop next to the Pioneer Woman cookbook is all part of the natural meant-to-be-there flow.
I love that she keeps four identical containers of Coffee Mate creamer in her pantry simply because she wants to make sure she has enough on hand for her mother-in-law when she visits. We laughed about it because she keeps buying new ones when she can’t remember if she already has one because she wants to “make absolutely sure.”
Her pantry door has a broken lock on it for the kiddos. It makes her laugh. The sugar tub is filled with gummy candy, not cane sugar. Shelves are lined with pantry essentials, vitamins, lunch and snack items, and the simple things that make life’s routines work. And, of course, it is perfectly natural that sippy cups are at home next to the wine glasses tea goblets.
Thanks for the visit, Kelly.
Before our visit, I was curious to experience a glimpse of who Kelly really is beyond her blog.
And you know what?
She really is what she is.
With Kelly, what you see (or read) is what you get.
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.
Those are tea goblets. 😉
Indeed! Thanks for the catch, I fixed it!
That is a lovely kitchen! I want someone to come decorate my farmhouse kitchen so it actually looks like a farmhouse kitchen and not just a repository for shoes, loose hay and cat food. 🙂
There are people who would pay BIG MONEY to have the shoes/loose hay/cat food look.
Now I'm intrigued about your farmhouse kitchen…. shall I bring my camera?