You know those internal conversations you have with yourself? They often go like this, “I need to eat more vegetables. I should exercise more. Why do I stay up so late? I need, I should, why do I…?”
The good news is that a good intention is indeed good for our minds and bodies. The bad news is that good intentions often fall flat when we don’t follow through. Expert after expert tell us that to turn good intentions into actuality we have to have self-discipline. That, my friends, is where the mental battles begin.
One of the things I personally struggled with for years was making sure that Dennis and I were consuming enough vegetables. Often I would analyze what I ate for the day (or week) and realize, “did I have any vegetables today?” Not good. For those times when I analyzed early enough in the day, I would quickly add a salad to our dinner plate.
But, I wondered, is there a better way?
Here is one idea you may not have thought about that ensures you get the day started off right by consuming vitamins and nutrient-rich foods from the get-go… try adding a salad to your breakfast plate.
That’s right, salad. Add it right next to your eggs and bacon. You don’t need a fancy recipe or tons of ingredients. I like to use a spring mix with lots of colored leafs, drizzle with olive oil and a dusting of cracked black pepper. I try to always have a pretty bowl filled with cherry tomatoes next to my fruit tray so it is quick and easy to grab a few and add. However, skip the tomatoes and it still will be delicious.
If you’re in the Northwest Arkansas area, I LOVE Ozark All Season’s baby mixed lettuce. The flavor of this mix is outrageously delicious! I buy mine at Harps Foods.
So, I’m wondering… are you already incorporating salad with your breakfast? What do you think? What works for you? Do you think you will try adding salad to your breakfast plate this week? Try it and let me know how it went!
Happy breakfasting.
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.
I’ll have to try that salad mix. I add in spinach or kale (cooked with my eggs) often to my breakfast, but a salad sounds like a great idea!
You could do both! 🙂