What happens to it?
Does it get moldy-er? Stinky-er? Does the smell get strong-er?
My latest blue cheese addiction is of the Danish variety. It has a sweetness to it that is really working for me right now. Don’t get me wrong. Throw Stilton in front of me with a nice tawny Port and I am going to drop that Dane lickity-split and pledge my undying devotion to Mr. Stilty.
However, until that little scenario swoons me off my feet, my fridge is still sporting the Sam’s Club honking-size package of Danish blue cheese. Officially, we’re good. The package tells me that we are good to go until August 11th.
Yet I wonder.
Can it last longer than that? What will happen to it? C’mon, it’s a moldy cheese. More mold cannot hurt me, right?
I needed expert advice.
Thank you, Internet.
According to thekitchn, one of my personal favorite sites to devour, the only harm to eating blue cheese as it ages is that it gets stinker and the taste gets stronger. They tell me, “An old blue cheese will never hurt your health, only your taste buds.”
Okay, I can handle that.
I think a roasted beet salad with blue cheese is just the thing for dinner tonight.
Happy stinky cheese eating.
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.
I have to disagree a little. Under decent conditions, bleu cheeses will last a long, long time and age as described; however, it has been my experience that the wrong humidity, temperature and/or wrapping can result in a different mold growing on the cheese. It can feel stickier or slimy. The flavor can be stale, ammoniated or just nasty. I don't know that it would make you ill, but I would definitely consider it to have gone "bad". Some sources may tell you to refrigerate the cheese "loosely wrapped" in something like cheesecloth or a paper towel, so it can "breathe" if you are going to eat it in a day or two; but, if you are going to store it for a longer time, a tight wrap in plastic film or vacuum sealing are better options. I love bleu cheeses…just about every one I ever tried!
Please disagree, makes me smarter to gather more information!
"stale, ammoniated, or just nasty" = yuk. I say just throw it out at that point.
Thanks, mmmfoodies.
It never lasts long enough at my house so I never have to wonder:)
Here is a great article that tells us exactly when blue cheese goes bad and how to store properly: http://www.doesitgobad.com/does-blue-cheese-go-bad/