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Flu season is here with a vengeance and we’re only the second month in. Stay vigilant! Between now and March when the flu threat will be past, we need to keep our water bottles thoroughly cleaned to keep germs at bay. The easiest way to do this is to drink from disposable water bottles or aluminum cans. However, if you are like me, I try to minimize drinking from plastics and aluminum. Instead, I drink from repurposed Voss water bottles and these super cute reusable glass water bottles.
My favorite dish soap is Dr. Bronner’s SAL SUDS. Most importantly, I absolutely love the way it suds up and cleans, a necessary feature for natural cleaners. So many of them aren’t sudsy!
Besides the obvious first step to keeping your water bottle clean means that you must wash it, the second most important step is to make sure the inside is thoroughly cleaned. With glass bottles, it is easy to see if the grime is removed but with solid bottles like the Swell brand, this is often hard to confirm. There are tons of bottlebrushes out there, but so far, I haven’t found one that outperforms this Oxo stainless steel Bottle Brush. I love it! Most importantly, it is flexible enough to get through the small mouth openings and long enough to clean from top to bottom.
And that’s it. Keep the brush stored within easy reach and wash, wash, wash those bottles every day. With a hot sudsy sink and an efficient bottlebrush within reach, you’ll never have to worry about letting those pesky cold and flu germs make residence in your water bottle.
What are your favorite cold and flu prevention tips?
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.
P.S. Looking for cold and flu buster ingredients to infuse your water bottle?