It sure is chilly out there, isn’t it? I have been off work all week and today seems like it is perpetually stuck in dusk-mode. Weather like this makes me think of thickly comforting soup. In fact, this week I have already made soup three times. Yes, three times!
On Monday I tried out my friend Alison’s French Peasant Soup and man, was it delish!
Tuesday I made a creamy butternut squash soup that was TO.DIE.FOR. Dennis wants me to make this every single day now. I can’t give you the recipe quite yet because it will be published on the TasteArkansas blog in about a week from now. Stay tuned for that one.
Last night was a basic pureed broccoli soup that Mimi from Manger quietly posted the other day. It was a little too basic for me so next time I am going to either add a little cream or sauté sweet onions to go with it.
Tonight I may switch it up a bit and take a break from the soup and go with something a little heartier.
Perhaps roasted vegetables.
That oughta’ hit the spot.
If you’re into roasted vegetables, why not tweak it just a bit and go with a more rustic approach by adding twiggy herbs and large chunky and vibrantly colored vegetables? My most recent post at TasteArkansas (sponsored by Arkansas Farm Bureau) goes into more detail on how to make rustic roasted vegetables.
Wanna’ know the best part?
I can set some vegetables aside and make soup!
Bundle up.
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.