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Teach yourself to use your kitchen gadgets.

gadgets are only useful if used (c)thejoyofeatingwell

Want to know how to declutter kitchen gadgets? It is simple if you have this mindset: Gadgets are only useful if used. It’s kinda a life lesson that applies to so many things in our lives from physical to mental clutter. Gadgets, such as Instant Pots, air fryers, toaster ovens, toasters… these all take physical space and honestly, mental space if we let them.

How many times have you found yourself saying, “I need to use my ___________. It’s taking up too much space.”

Let them go. Someone else can use them!

Attack kitchen gadget clutter with gusto.

We’re spending more time at home anyhow, so the best time is now. Today. Tomorrow. This weekend. If you are someone who needs more step-by-step guidance, you’re in good luck! I’ve written about this before in a post called “How to organize your kitchen gadget drawer.” 

Fair warning: I firmly believe that it’s difficult to organize clutter without eliminating the clutter. I promise you’ll love the white space!

Make useless gadgets go bye-bye.

As in, goodbye, see ya later, it was nice knowing you and don’t come back now, ya hear. I give you full permission to let it go. To let THEM go.

If you’re on the fence, keep them ONLY if you USE it.

As in, use it. This week. And if you give yourself all the reasons why you can’t use it this week, think about it. Why is that? Is it an emotional thing? Did someone give it to you and you’re afraid they will find out? I hear ya, I’m in the same boat. And, that’s a tough one… maybe that one you start to use? That’s what I am telling myself.

Okay, you’ve decluttered those gadgets, now what?

So, what’s the next step after you’ve purchased those useless gadgets? Are you r to join me in making this a new habit going forward with any new gadget that we acquire?

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Which gadgets are on your use-or-lose list?

Eat well, my friends.


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