The weather is taunting us with its fickleness. Warm. Cold. Warm. Cold.
Oh autumn, you are such a tease.
Every Friday for the past three weeks I have stepped outside my front door and snapped a photo of the ever-changing kaleidoscope of colors. It is a marvel. As I roll out of the driveway each morning these past few days, the tires of my car go snap, crackle, and pop over thousands of fallen acorns. Are the squirrels on strike, I wonder? Will this be a mild winter so they could-care-less about gathering every last morsel?
I leave you with a time-lapse, of sorts, of my driveway’s personality these past few weeks. The stark change in terrain and the exposure of the richness of the wood’s beauty is inspiring to me.
Which makes me wonder.
What inspires you about autumn? As you look out your own front door and view your changing landscape, how does it inspire you?
It inspires me to spend more time outdoors.
It inspires me to go for more leisurely drives with coffee in hand.
It inspires me to make soup.
It inspires me to have more casual get-togethers and long interesting conversations.
How does autumn inspire you?