You know that phrase, “Bloom where you are planted?” I’ve always kind of liked that saying because well, clichés speak to me. Blooming where you
So my twist on the phrase is this: “Fish where you are planted.” You see, we live on the lake and it is overflowing with fish. Bass. Crappie. Panfish. I love to fish. Do you? And yet, I hardly ever do.
Why is that?
“Too much going on right now.”
“I have to finish this thing and run and do that thing and then there’s that other thing…”
To me, blooming – or fishing – where you are planted means making the most of where you are.
Right here.
Right now.
So right now, I’m going fishing.

And while that may mean taking out my fishing rod and digging for a worm… it also means that I’m going to pull out some frozen fish from my freezer and thaw it out for dinner.
You see, it’s human nature to want to do good, have great intentions, and then talk ourselves out of doing good. It’s human nature to comfort eat with the wrong foods that make us feel bad. It’s human nature to get so busy that we forget how important leisure is.
So, let’s change that.
Right here.
Right now.
Let’s fish where we are planted. Starting now. Let’s talk ourselves into doing good. Let’s talk ourselves into improving what we put into our bodies and talk ourselves
Yet, it takes more than talk.
I’ll start: As soon as I hit ‘publish’ on this post… I’m taking frozen fish out of the freezer for dinner and then I’m setting a timer for twenty minutes of leisure. Not exercise. Not
Who’s joining me?
Are you ready to bloom – or fish – where you are planted?
Eat well, my friends.
I’m just kinda spent… Mean’s my plant needs to be deadheaded, for sure. Working on getting back to eating clean & exercising!
Oh sweet Trina. Deadheading helps us BLOOM!