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Arkansas Peach Season ends this week (canning time)!

nwafoodie Lyndi Fultz

In May I went to NYC to attend the TECHmunch conference for food bloggers.  I was super-psyched to meet one of my favorite bloggers, Marissa from foodinjars.

Marissa’s site is dedicated to preserving and canning foods.  If canning is on your one-day-I-want-to-do-that-list and you haven’t canned before, start reading her blog to get inspired or purchase her first and newly released book.

I highly recommend both.

Next, do something about… start canning!

The time is now.

Back in July I told you about Vanzants Fruit Farm in Springdale, Arkansas, and gushed about the abundance of variety peaches; warning you that time was ticking.  The season’s end was fast approaching.

Time is running out.

On Friday I gave Vanzants a call to find out how close were they to running out of peaches.  “A few days to a week, is all we’ve got.”

Opportunity abounds!

Come on people, hurry! Hurry! hurry!  Rush on out and get your peaches before they are all gone.  They are closed on Sunday and open on Labor Day.

Canning them for future use is super-duper-over-the-top-easy-breezy.

It’s as simple as boiling peaches for sixty seconds and dropping them into an ice bath to stop the cooking.  This will also make peeling the skins super-quick.  Boil your canning jars and place the skinned peaches in them.  See how easy it is?  You’re almost done now, just a few short steps.  Fill the jars up with a simple sugar syrup and leave just an itty-bitty space at the very top to top with a good bourbon, like Makers Mark.  Top the lid on and boil again until you hear the can go “pop!”

If you don’t do this right away, another year will go by and you will miss a winter of freshly picked yumliciousness. 


Eat well, my friends.  Eat well.






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