Winter is holding tight and not letting go. So tightly that right now a raging fire is dancing in the fireplace and there is a heater blowing at my feat underneath my desk as I type these words. It’s hard to believe that spring is just short of two days away.
Do you have a “go to” dish? You know, the one or ones that you know by memory and you simply cannot get enough of it? I have a couple of them and every once in a while we will have a meal and think, “will this one be the one?”
Do you think it is possible to add a salad to your “go to” list? Would you be interested in a salad with winter citrus medley of thinly sliced oranges and grapefruit with creamy Danish blue cheese crumbles and walnuts topped off with a warmed honey vinaigrette on soft buttery butter lettuce?
One bite and you will be marveling in the salty, buttery, sweet, and tart mouthful with a warmed finish.
I’m hooked.
If you have a second, please jump on over to the TasteArkansas site to get the recipe for my Winter Citrus Salad with Warmed Honey Vinaigrette (sponsored site).
I think you will be hooked, too.
Happy last few days of winter.
Eat well, my friend. Eat well.