Cucumbers are now coming into harvest! This means they are going to be (1) extra crispy and delicious, (2) available for a great price, like, everywhere, (3) available at all area farmer’s markets in a variety of options, and (4) perhaps even available in your very own garden!
Here’s a tip: Removing the seeds from a cucumber adds more crisp!
· Peel your cucumber
· Slice it lengthwise
· Scoop out the inside seeds (save for your compost pile!)
· Slice into bite-sized pieces
· Pile pieces into a colander and place in sink or on paper towels
· Lightly salt (to draw out juices, hence the reason for paper towels!)
· Okay, it’s time to snack! Or add to a tossed salad… or combine with tomatoes and a dressing and serve!
The benefit to doing this is that you will have enhanced the best qualities of a cucumber: it’s crispiness! It will no longer be overwhelmed by the seed texture and it’s proclivity to wetness.