I was in a hurry the other day and whirl-winded myself out the door. Argh! I had forgotten to prepare the chicken in the crock-pot. Bummer. Yet another night to come up with Plan B for dinner.
But wait… Plan A was still an option.
My husband did it.
Not only did he “put the chicken in the crock-pot.”
He took it to the next level.
My guy prepared the chicken and placed it in the crock-pot AND THEN he prepared two Yukon gold potatoes and onions and placed them into greased ramekins… and they went in the crock-pot, too.
The potatoes kept their own flavors while the chicken kept theirs.
Easy, simple, and delicious!
Hopefully this tip will be handy for you, too!
Happy slow-cooking!
Great tip…I will try it!