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Five Foodie Finds for Friday, January 3rd.

Five foodie finds for Friday Jan 4 2014 (c)nwafoodie

It is Friday and the weekend is fast approaching.  So is getting back into our normal routines of work, school, and finding ways to improve our lives.  January is time when many of us “get back on track” with lofty goals of organizing, simplifying, and staying warm.

Perhaps today’s five foodie finds will help us in our wintery quest.


2-quart cracker jar with lid. These inexpensive jars from Walmart are perfect for your pantry staples and fill your shelves with order and light.  I fill mine with dried legumes, rice, and raw nuts. They make me smile every time I open the door.  In fact, you can see me (absent-mindedly) rearranging them during this video clip from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette.



Eat Move Sleep. How small choices can lead to big changes. This immediate best seller came out in October and it is fantastic at stirring to action. Author Tom Rath’s organization provides free 30-day downloadable action plans to get us eating better, moving more, and sleeping efficiently.


Zojirushi stainless steel lunch jar. The Japanese sure know how to keep their food hot for hours. I put hot soup in this before heading off to work (7am) and would you believe it is still hot(ish) coming home (6pm)? Okay, if hot(ish) is not an ideal temperature for you, have confidence that your food will still be extremely hot until mid-afternoon.  I love, love, love this lunch jar and bought two. It even comes with its own lunch bag and long spoon to get to the hard to reach jar places.  Perfect!


Enclume narrow shelf pot rack. How many kitchens have you pinned on Pinterest that have a potrack?  How many times have you thought, “man, I wish I had the space for a potrack in my kitchen?”  This narrow wall-mounted workhorse is just for you.  You can anchor to a small kitchen wall and organize all of your pans within easy reach.


Moleskin wellness journal. If you have never used a moleskin notebook before, be forewarned because you may get addicted to its flexibility and durability.  Moleskins come in a variety of sizes, colors, and themes and choices include notebooks, journals, calendars, and even this wellness journal.  It has a seasonal food calendar, food facts, and helps you record your diet and exercise programs.  You’re so healthy… with a foodie twist!

Like these finds? Be sure to check out my other five foodie finds for Friday posts.

Do you have a foodie find that you would like to share?

Drop me a note.

Eat well, my friends. Eat well.


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