This post was sponsored by Yarnell’s Premium Ice Cream, creating down-home goodness in Arkansas since 1932.
Memorial Weekend is this weekend and as everyone knows… it’s the official kick-off to summer. I mean, c’mon, what screams summer more than outdoor grilling, splashing in the lake, and that awesome moment when you get brain freeze eating ice cream as fast as you can before it melts dripping down your hand on its way to your elbow?
This, my friends, is summertime.
I’m terrible at making desserts. You would think by now I would at least have a signature dessert burned in my brain that the minute someone would pop over for a visit I could whip it up in minutes. If you don’t believe, type in the search button of this blog and look for dessert recipes and posts. Go on, I’ll wait for you. Since 2009, the only “dessertish” recipe I have posted was one for baked bananas. Bananas, people. Not a dessert.
One thing I DO know how to make is ice cream. As in opening up the lid and scooping it out, no recipe required. It is the universally approved dessert. Seriously, who doesn’t like ice cream?
This weekend, next weekend, July 4th weekend, and well… every weekend or weeknight that you have friends and family dropping by, why not create your own frozen milk shake bar?
Stocking your frozen milkshake bar with the basics.
I’ll get your started off with the basics of frozen milkshake bar and you can take it from there. Just remember, the more you start adding to this, it will start getting expensive. Stick with the basics and I promise you’ll have a happy crowd.
Your three ingredient basics are: brownies, butterfingers, and strawberries. These milk shake ingredients will cover all personalities… chocolate obsessives, peanut-butter lovers, and fruit freaks. And for those family members who are straight and narrow, vanilla has them covered. Is your crazy overly-expressive aunt visiting? Throw all the ingredients together and name it after her.
Your three milkshake basics are: vanilla ice cream, half-and-half, and whipped cream. Extra credit if you make the whip cream yourself. However, on hot summer days your family just wants you to hang out with them. I give you full permission to buy whip cream in a can.
Yarnell’s Premium Ice Cream.
You may have noticed that Yarnell’s Premium Ice Cream is sponsoring this post. They make a Homemade Vanilla ice cream that is rich and creamy that is a perfect base for milk shakes. If you’re in Arkansas, you’ll find this home-state brand in fine stores everywhere. In Northwest Arkansas, I buy mine at Allen’s in Bella Vista and at Harps. Or visit the Walmart Café on the Bentonville Square and try it for yourself. They proudly serve Yarnell’s exclusively.
Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend.
Thank you to our military men and women who gave all to serve our majestic country.
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.