Have you heard of the term “tweating” yet? Tweating is tweeting what you eat.
The Hartman Group just released an insightful study that says that 32% of us tweet while we eat. Mostly as we are happily eating or drinking at home and occasionally while splurging and dining out. Apparently, according to the study, lunchtime is our top tweating occasion.
In the future we may chuckle at this statistic.
We may find it, well…. quaint.
In the future I predict that we will tweet or otherwise record 100% of what we eat and have it instantly analyzed with a metabolic breakdown highlighting our bodily needs for the remainder of the day.
In the meanwhile, are you tweeting what you eat?
I must confess, I am known to tweet my meals here and there and I am not ashamed of it. If you don’t believe me, just follow me on twitter at @nwafoodie and see for yourself.
How about you?
If you are new to “tweating,” here are my personal favorite ways to tweet food pictures.
Camera ++ (Lightbox)
The Camera ++ (Lightbox) mobile app is available for your Smartphone and is perfect for indoor photo shoots where lighting is an issue. It is also a diner-pleaser since you will not annoy the other patrons with shocking flashes.
Camera ++ (Lightbox) allows you to take a photo and post-photo capture add backlight, flash and many other helpful editing tools. From Camera ++ (Lightbox) you can either save it to your camera roll or tweet directly from the app.
If you are going about your business and working on your mac or pc, I find tweetdeck to be an exceptionally easy way for me to manage all my twitter interests. You can create a column using the #NWArk hashtag and anytime someone mentions it you have instant action to all the local happenings.
Tweetdeck allows you to easily and quickly upload a photo you have stored on your computer. You can also change your settings in facebook to tweet any new status update you have, including photos. So, that burger you had for lunch is shared not only with your facebook friends but with the twitterverse, too!
This is my newest fave. Forkly is a mobile app that is available for your Smartphone that allows you to take a photo, record it as a dish at a restaurant location and rate it. People can comment on it and yes, you can tweet it. Think of it as urban spoon on the go.
At the end of the day, tweating food photos gives others a perspective on what you personally recommend (or not!) and is an easy way to discover what is available in your area.
Consider it a public service, of sorts!
When you tweat what you eat, please add @nwfoodie to your tweet so I can retweet your tweat! If we are not already twitter friends, please add your twitter name in the comment section. Remember, if you are in the Northwest Arkansas area, be sure to include the #NWArk hashtag.
What is your favorite way to tweat what you eat?
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.
Thanks, as always, for sharing with the rest of us what you find and love. It's one of your most endearing qualities 😉
Awwwwhhh, thank you Lady Shannon!
I'm not one for tweating pics…but I do often post pics of dinner to FB!
I always enjoy those!
Did you just coin the word "tweat?" Love that. And you know I always take pictures of my food! I'm going to download Lightroom right now.
I wish! I actually thought I did and my opening sentence originally said I did… until I googled it and realized I hadn't!
Yes, I LOVE your photos!!