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WOW. Slow cooker bone-in beef ribs are amazing.

Posted by Lyndi

Right now I am feeling quite smug.  A little giddy, actually. 
If I am really honest with myself, it really is quite shameful how over-the-top cocky I feel.
Here is why…
I figured out a super-simple, no-fail, amazingly-delicious, elegantly-approachable, and thankfully-inexpensive meal that is good enough for everyday life and fancy-yet-not to serve to guests. 
That explains the smugness and giddiness.  But what makes it over-the-top cocky? 
Oh… let’s just leave that hanging until the end, shall we? 
Here it is…
I am in love with slow cooker bone-in beef ribs.  
It’s so easy to make it will blow you away.  You just HAVE to try it for yourself!
Slow Cooker Bone-In Beef Ribs
1.    Look for beefy bone-in beef ribs at your local supermarket or butcher.  Allen’s Market in Bella Vista has them for just $3.99 lb right now and they are prime cut.  Ivan’s Old Time Meat Market in Rogers only has boneless beef ribs, which will work, too.
2.   Place them in your slow cooker.  Sprinkle salt, pepper, and garlic powder on all sides liberally.   Do NOT put any oil, butter, water, broth, wine, or anything liquid in the slow cooker.  I know that you will want to but fight the urge.  Extra liquid will not give the meat that braised crust that no-liquid method will give.  The meat has its own juices that will work just fine.

3.   Low cook for approximately 8 hours.  High cook for 4 hours.  Yes, it is that simple.
4.   Viola!  Lift the lid and you will discover beautifully aromatic and gorgeous ribs, ready to eat.  The reason why I like the bone-in option is that the marrow in the bones really give an added dimension to the taste of the ribs. 

5.   Here comes the over-the-top cocky part… When you prepare this dish with the bone-in beef ribs versus the boneless ribs, you have an added treat!  Chew bones for you puppies!  I have discovered that by cooking bone-in beef ribs once each week, I no longer have to buy bully sticks or chew toys for my dogs… so the meal is actually paying for itself!  NOW do you see why I am feeling oh-so-cocky?  Let’s see… what do they call it at church?  Dare I say the Proverbs 31 woman?  Is cockiness a virtue? Hmmm…
There you have it, folks.
Then again, perhaps bone-in beef ribs are already on your go-to recipe list and menu plans!  Perhaps I am two-steps-behind everybody else? 
Or, maybe I am on the right track and could even up my game by adding a spice or herb or… you tell me! 
What am I missing to take this over the top?
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