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Winter Weather Pantry Stock-Up.

Winter Weather Pantry Stockup - roundup of photos of items listed in blog post

When preparing for a snowstorm, stock up on essential pantry items to keep you going for the short and long term.


As I sit here, eight inches of pure white fluffy snow is piled outside my office window. The silence is peaceful, and I feel a sense of relief. The relief comes from knowing I can officially “turn off” and not feel pressured to go out. It’s like a small get-out-of-jail-free card, which is an odd feeling because I honestly don’t feel like I am trapped. Mainly, the snow offers me a window of possibilities from ordinary routines.

Do you feel this way, too?

As I walked around the kitchen this morning, my movements were slower than usual. Deliberate. A feeling of, what is the term? Slow Living. Yes, that’s the feeling.

This morning, I added bones from a recent chicken dinner into the pressure cooker, and I am looking forward to the thick, rich broth it will yield in a couple of hours. I also peeled some potatoes and prepped them for a side dish for tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast. Meat is thawed. The kettle is boiling, ready for a mid-afternoon spot of tea. That’s what you do when you have a window of possibilities from ordinary routines. You make tea.

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Five pantry prep items for winter weather

So, I got to thinking…

What are good items to stock in the pantry when winter weather arrives? I have my favorites, as I am sure you do. Do any of my favorites – or your favorites – resonate with others? A quick Google search lists numerous lists from beans, canned fish, oats, dried fruit, pasta, and so on.  

Here are some of the top five winter weather pantry stock-up items:

  1.  Once Again Nut Butter – Creamy, unsweetened, old-fashioned, non-GMO peanut butter with a hint of salt. When I was a kid, peanut butter always came in a big plastic tub with a handle, and this brand is a fan favorite. At 9 pounds, you’ll always have a source of protein or snack at your fingertips, as well as a main ingredient for peanut butter cookies on those cold winter days! Source:

Other pantry items to consider

There are other winter weather-related items to keep on hand, according to The Google. Check out what Azure Standard has to offer:

What are your favorite stock-up pantry items?

I hope this list and links are helpful to you. I’d be curious to know what you like to keep on hand when you are housebound and want to be prepared for all those cravings. Do you have a link or item that you’d like to share? Leave a comment!

Stay toasty.

Eat well, my friends.


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