I started this blog because it is such a thrill to sleuth-around for secret ingredients, to locate a hole-in-the-wall market that has that extra special product that I cannot find anywhere else, or to discover a better way to prepare a dish. And then there is the heart-warming pleasure of sharing these discoveries with you. The other motivating reason why I started this blog was for selfish reasons. I figured with the limited time I have to go exploring around town, my hopes were that all of you would start sharing with me your finds: secret ingredients, hole-in-the-wall markets, extra special products, dish preparation, and more. And you have not let me down. Thanks so much for all of the enthusiastic support and suggestions I have received from friends, family, co-workers, and those of you whom I only know via the blogosphere. Thank you! There is so much to share and I have barely scratched the surface. Stay tuned…