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Five Foodie Finds for Friday :: King Arthur Flour.

Five Foodie Finds for Friday December 5 2014 King Arthur Flour (c)nwafoodie


Have you ever heard of a baker’s catalogue called King Arthur Flour?  They aren’t the new kids on the block. Established back in 1790, King Arthur Flour is based in Vermont.  Having just come back from a trip to Vermont, it only seemed right to highlight a Vermont gem.

Today’s five foodie finds are baking related items that you just have to check out from the good folks at King Arthur Flour.



Pure Vermont maple syrup. Obviously, we cannot talk Vermont without maple syrup, right?  This one gets rave reviews.  C’mon, it’s the season of cold winter mornings just begging for pancakes and syrup.  Why not get some right from the source?


Mauviel crepe pan. I cannot say enough about the versatility of this pan made from carbon steel. I use mine to pan-roast a filet, butter sauté oh-s0-tender white fish, and yes, for perfectly created crepes.  Carbon steel is preferred in France for its evenness in heating distribution.


Dough rising buckets. Dennis and I declared that December will be the official month of baking.  Okay, okay, so has everyone else declared that, right?  The difference is that I don’t know how to bake.  Bread making is high on the list and this dough rising bucket will help guide newbies to bread rising perfection.


Tin storage container. Cuteness in an airtight enameled steel container is simply perfect to store biscuits, cookies, or just about anything until 7.5 inches tall.


Gluten-free loaf pan. A little something special for all of my gluten-free friends.  You and I both know that bread made without gluten requires um, special handling.  King Arthur Flour takes care of you by providing a taller, narrower loaf pan that provides more support.  Best of all, who doesn’t need a little extra support in life?

Happy baking!

Eat well, my friends. Eat well.

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