This is big.
Reallllly big.
The second annual #bean2blog event is happening in May at P.Allen Smith’s Moss Mountain Farm near Little Rock. Twenty plus Arkansas bloggers are going to attend and spend a day touring the home, grounds, and gardens and will learn about the Arkansas soybean industry.
I am thrilled to return this event and would love to see one of you come join us.
Would you like to attend?
There is one more open spot for a lucky someone + a friend.
Maybe it will be you!
You have to act fast.
Friday is your last day to enter for your chance to attend this one-day event. Go to the Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board’s facebook page or send a tweet to @ArkansasSoybean about what you love about soybeans.
It’s that simple.
Hope to see you there!
Please check out what #bean2blog is all about and what last year’s attendees’ thought about it.
I know you will be impressed.
I was.
Happy Monday!
Eat well, my friends. Eat well.