I believe in simple food joys.
Do you ever feel like you’re chasing food? That as soon as you clean up the kitchen from one meal that you’re already starting on another? Do you ever wish that you could slow down and really ENJOY what you are preparing? Have you ever wanted to add a touch of specialness to a platter, a pantry, a snack, or a drink, and all but given up, thinking “what’s the use?”
There are simple and easy skills that you can learn so that preparing and serving food can become one of your most joyful pleasures of living instead of something to be dreaded because of poor planning or being in a rut. Yes, yes, those things happen to the best of us! Yet there’s no need to feel stuck… all it takes is a little mindset shift and conscious changes to our everyday habits. Together, we’ve got this!
Hi, my name is Lyndi Fultz.

In a word, I’m an encourager. I’m also someone who let the busyness of life take over and would justify to myself that, “eh, I’ll just call in a pizza for dinner tonight.” Yet my heart wasn’t happy because I knew I could
In a nutshell, I was scared. I lacked kitchen confidence. Stocking a pantry? I had no clue where to start. Do you want to talk about panic? Try having the doorbell ring and friend show up to visit for hours, all while having my mind race, desperately trying to figure out what I could serve them. Have you ever experienced these feelings?
In 2009, I started this food blog with a local food focus and called it nwafoodie. Its purpose was to show locals in Northwest Arkansas that our area was teaming with all sorts of adventurous restaurants, fascinating kitchen sources, and interesting people. As the years went by, this blog taught me how to cook. To stock a pantry. To gain the confidence that if a large group showed up unexpectedly, that there was no need to panic. If I can do it, you can do it.
If I can do it, you can do it.
After those first ten years of the blog, I knew I had outgrown my local-only focus because I was rarely eating out and what I was learning/teaching applied to everyone. So I changed the blog name. My purpose is to encourage those who want to make mealtimes more special to realize that meals are more than a recipe. At the end of the day, it’s about learning to embrace the “little joys” when it comes to all-things-food.
Food life is an important part of home life.
Homemakers come in all shapes and forms. Some of us have kids and some of us don’t. Some of us are young or not as young. Some of us have the most gorgeous of kitchens with every dreamy gadget known to man or some of us have a sliver of space that we rent or share. It’s all the same to me. At the end of the day, homemaking is a mindset and food life is an important part of home life.
Homemaking is about efficiency, simplicity, and embracing the moments. Food is a very important necessity of homemaking and I believe that joy can easily be infused in all its delicious 360-degree touchpoints.

Here’s what you can expect:
If you’re wanting to jump on the “simple joyful food” bandwagon with me, here’s what I offer:
- A weekly post that is more conversational and less “SEOish”
- A focus on simplicity
- A focus on kitchen organization tips
- A focus on foodie finds
- A focus on meal planning and meal prepping
- A focus on clean recipes with simple ingredients
- Encouraging reminders to have a little fun in your kitchen

Sound good? Okay, here’s where to start:
Start each Monday morning with a free food joy tip in your inbox, along with the latest blog post. Sign up for my newsletter today.
Let’s connect.
If there’s something that stumps you, I am here for you.
You can drop me an email at lyndi@thejoyofeatingwell.com, visit my contact page, leave a comment on a blog post, chat via social media, or simply hit the reply button when you receive my weekly newsletter on Monday mornings. I look forward to chatting with you!